Terms & Conditions


All data and information provided by this web site (the “Content”), in each and all types (e.g. images, texts, video, graphic lay-out, demo software or app available for download, html sources) have a corporate communication purpose targeting business, product, marketing, promotional profiles. Such Content does not bind any web site visitor or any actual or potential commercial or business entity to BBT. All site Content is BBT intellectual property, subject to intellectual property protection. Intellectual rights protections equally belong to BBT and to any partner or third-party providing Contents for publishing purpose.

Site Content can be used for personal purpose of the site visitor but cannot be used or altered in any way for third party commercial purposes or for any other purpose unrelated to the original BBT communication purpose. No Content of the site may be copied, used, or included in any communication material or product/service belonging to a legal entity without previous BBT permission in written.



Some web pages of this site may hyperlink pages external to BBT, i.e. content belonging to other organizations or business partners. Hyperlink purpose is meant to provide a better service and user experience to the site visitors.

BBT is not responsible of any content reachable through external hyperlinks and cannot be held liable for any effect consequent to external hyperlink navigation. Simple existence of a hyperlink does not imply BBT endorsement of such Content or any kind of approval of target contents and does not bind BBT to specific personal data treatments belonging to external web sites. Improper hyperlink may be reported to the site administrator: info@bbteam.al



All Content is provided “as is” in the publishing state. Content is validated by BBT before publishing, nevertheless content errors as typo, misspelling, misunderstandings, wrong translations, or unaccounted malware compromising the site, in principle are not to be excluded and the visitor must be aware of this.

BBT is therefore not liable for any damage or profit or earning loss resulting from site navigation or usage of any site Content for decision-making. BBT has the right to change site Content in any moment without notice or external approval. Site content do not change or integrate or modify any contract agreed with BBT (e.g. with customers, business partners, suppliers, etc.).